Thursday, April 30, 2009

Fairy Tale of Prince and Horse, Chapter 3: The Magic Charm Used to Beseech the Horse

And this is the charm the prince was to use when he beseeched his horse to prophesy the future:
Huzza, huzza, hinny-whinny.
Fly like a hawk, shake like thunder.
Eyes like the sun,
Hooves swift-footed.
Your lightning-gait,
Your mane gold-plait.

Huzza, huzza, hinny-whinny.
Fly like a hawk, shake like thunder.
Legs are leaping,
Ears are keeping.
Your truth be told.
Your signs unfold.

Huzza, huzza, hinny-whinny.
Fly like a hawk, shake like thunder.
All-seeing – tell.
All telling – see.
Horse-laugh prophesy!
Horse-neigh prophesy!

Chapter 4:

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Please pass on to friends, read and enjoy!