Monday, November 9, 2009

The Peaceable Kingdom of Fairy Tales: Paradise of Animals

Grimm’s Saga No. 301: The Paradise of Animals

In every creature a spark of God.

Hidden between the lofty and forbidding cliffs of the Mattenberg mountain ridge there is a place where the snowdrifts blow fiercely across the rock. People say there is a certain area nearby where the most beautiful chamois and mountain goats congregate with even more wonderful and strange animals. It is just like paradise. Every twenty years it is possible for one man to reach this place and among any twenty hunters, only one will be able to find his way there. But the hunter may not bring down any of these animals with him when he descends. Many have told of the splendor of the place, also reported that names of many men could be seen carved into the surrounding trees. Those were the lucky ones, who over the years have found their way. Once it was even said that a man brought out with him a glorious ibex pelt for all to see.

To read more fairy tales, click on the link:

Or to read a mysterious Swiss tale about sheep (and the sun prince):