Monday, December 28, 2020

Your 2020 Quiz

Take the 2020 Corona-Quiz and Win, answers appear at bottom but remember no cheating!


How much do you really know about COVID19 and how much is FAKE NEWS?


(1)  When were the first U.S. cases of nontravel-related COVID 19 confirmed in the USA?

a.  January 16

b.  January 31

c.   February 5

d.   February 26

(2) Limited US community transmission began after

a.  A single importation of the virus from China 

b.   A single importation of the virus from Europe

c.  A single importation of the virus from China followed by a single importation from Europe.

d.  A single importation of the virus from China followed by multiple importations from Europe.

e.  Multiple importations of the virus from China followed by multiple importations from Europe.

(3)   Until late February COVID-19 incidence was

a.  High but undetected by emergency departments

b.  Too low to be detected by emergency departments.

c.  Misdiagnosed by emergency departments as a common flu strain

d.  Considered unremarkable by emergency departments

(4) The first nontravel–related U.S. case was confirmed 

a.   In a California resident 

b.   In a Washington state resident

c.   In a New York City resident

d.   In President Donald Trump

(5) A second nontravel–related case was confirmed

a.  In the state of California

b.  In the state of Washington

c.  In New York state

d.  In Rhode Island.

e.   The second case cannot be definitively pinpointed

(6)  Analysis of viral RNA sequences from early cases suggested that a single lineage of virus  began circulating in the United States 

a.   Already in December 2019

b.   Sometime between January 18 and February 9, followed by several SARS-CoV-2 importations from Europe.

c.  Sometime on or around February 1st followed by a Mideastern variant 2 weeks later.

d.  There was never a single lineage of the virus circulating the United States.

(7)  Sustained, community transmission of the virus likely resulted from 

a)  the importation of a single lineage of virus from China in December, followed by several importations from Europe in January

b)  the importation of a single lineage of virus from China in late January or early February, followed by several importations from Europe.

c) importation of a dual virus lineage from China in earlyJanuary and from Europe in early February

YOUR BONUS QUESTION (determines your level of enlightenment):  

The widespread emergence of COVID-19 throughout the United States highlights 

a.  the importance of robust public health systems to respond rapidly to emerging infectious threats

b.  the importance of a functioning government to respond nimbly to emerging threats of all kinds

c.  the importance of public education  

d.  the importance of health care   

e.  the importance of science

f. the importance of honesty

g.  other:



(1)   (D) The first U.S. cases of nontravel–related COVID-19 were confirmed on February 26 and 28, 2020, suggesting that community transmission was occurring by late February.

(2)  (D)  Limited U.S. community transmission likely began in late January or early February 2020, after a single importation from China, followed by multiple importations from Europe.

(3)  Until late February, COVID-19 incidence was too low to be detected by emergency department syndromic surveillance for COVID-19–like illness.

(4) The first nontravel–related U.S. case was confirmed on February 26 in a California resident 

(5) A second nontravel–related case was confirmed in the state of Washington  

(6)  Analysis of viral RNA sequences from early cases suggested that a single lineage of virus imported directly or indirectly from China began circulating in the United States between January 18 and February 9, followed by several importations from Europe.

(7)  b

(8)  Really? You don’t know that all of the above are correct?

Teachers’ Guide for Interpreting Your Results:  

Number of correct answers:  

1 correct answer = You moron, what have you been doing the last 12 months if not compulsively, obsessively watching TV?    2 correct answers = better than moron but still living under a rock   3  correct answers = you know just enough to talk intelligently in zoom meetings   4 correct answers = dangerously informed, you could not run for office at this point   5 correct answers = you no longer qualify as science expert on cable news  6 correct answers = You moron, what have you been doing the last 12 months … obsessively watching TV and reading READING the newspaper?