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Vielen Dank fuer Ihre Bemuehungen! Besonders interessant waeren Ihre Vorstellungen von Gut und Boese bezueglich des Maerchens Jorinde und Joringel. (Siehe unten fuer vollen Text)
The arch-witch in the story seems to have authority over the arch-angel in this story. Perhaps suggesting that good and evil work together in the cosmos?
Eine Erzzauberin ist nicht unbedingt eine Erzhexe!
Why isn't the witch punished at the end of the story if she is so evil?
Ist Gott allmaechtig und gut oder gibt es auch boese Wesen, die ausser seine Kontrolle sind.
It seems to me that the witch did Jorinda and Joringel a huge favor. They weren't really ready for marriage and were very child-like in their approach to problem-solving.
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