Tuesday, February 3, 2015

My Own Private Fairy Tale

The Puzzling Mystery of the Swan Slayers

Fairy Tale Detectives Heidi and Tom go bird-watching. Lucky for them, they live in an area with lots of birds and little detective work.

"Look at the cranes flying overhead!" remarks Heidi.

"Look at that heron sitting on a log!" replies Tom.

"Look at that family of swans!" Heidi and Tom enthuse.

The next day:
"Heavens to Betsy, Heidi! We have to get to the bottom of this!"

"Goodness gracious, Tom, could the killer be the driver of that yellow Hummer with the swan carcass on its hood?"

"No, that swan carcass is much too old. I would guess that SUV has been driving around for years like that!" Tom replies.

"What about that woman in the red truck? Isn't that hood ornament plastered with swan feathers and blood?" Heidi asks.

"No, I think those feathers and blood are actually from that whooping crane we saw last week. You know, the only whooping crane ever seen in this neck of the woods in the last 50 years."

There's nothing else that can be done except for the two detectives to drive aimlessly around the countryside with their binoculars and spotting scope, hoping the culprit will somehow reveal him- or herself.

Finally after a week:
"Goodness gracious, Tom. This sign says the swan-slayer has turned himself in and got the $5000.00 reward!"
"Our work on this fairy tale mystery is done, Heidi. And we can continue to believe that people, in the end, will do the right thing!"

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Copyright FairyTaleChannel.com

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